Singing Guide: The Del-Vikings

Singing Guide: The Del-Vikings

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Are you interested in learning how to sing like The Del-Vikings? This is a classic doo-wop group that has a unique sound characterized by their falsetto harmonies, smooth vocals, and upbeat melodies. In this article, we will explore The Del-Vikings' vocal technique and provide you with practical advice and Singing Carrots resources to help you learn to sing like them.

The Del-Vikings were known for their use of falsetto harmonies, which helped to create their unique sound. To emulate their vocals, you should start by working on your falsetto voice. This can be achieved by practicing your head voice and focusing on raising your pitch while maintaining a light and airy tone. Once you are comfortable singing in your head voice, try to incorporate it into your song and practice harmonizing with it.

The Del-Vikings had many hits, including "Come Go With Me" and "Whispering Bells," which showcased their smooth vocals and upbeat melodies. To learn how to sing like them, start by listening to their music and practicing your song interpretation skills. Focus on mastering the melody, tempo, and rhythm of their songs, and then work on adding your own unique style.

To help you with your training, Singing Carrots offers multiple tools. You can take our vocal range test to compare your range with famous singers, practice your pitch accuracy with our pitch test, and see your sung notes on a virtual piano with our Pitch Monitor. You can also check out our Pitch Training tool, which offers interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizer, and exercises for range and agility.

In addition to that, we have a song-book that can help you create your performance set. By inputting your vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preferences, you can find songs that match your singing style. Our comprehensive database provides linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio to help you learn the song you choose.

If you're interested in learning more about vocal technique, we have many educational articles on our website. Some of these articles cover topics such as breathing basics, vocal registers, breath support, and resonance in singing. We also have articles on singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking, and how to find your own authentic voice.

In terms of skills-related videos, we have videos that teach you Twang, Growling, and Vibrato exercises, which can help you spice up your singing. Our videos also cover chest voice, voice registers, mixed voice, and warm-up exercises, which can help you develop better singing habits.

In conclusion, The Del-Vikings had a unique vocal technique that helped to create their classic doo-wop sound. By working on your falsetto voice, song interpretation skills, and emulating their style, you can learn to sing like them. With the help of Singing Carrots' resources, including pitch and vocal range tests, pitch monitor, pitch training, and song-book, you can greatly improve your singing skills and work towards becoming a great singer in your own right.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.